
Heavy Duty With Dryer

MGF - HD OF Category Image
HD Open Frame with Dryer

Introducing the MGF Prime HD Compressors, designed for heavy-duty cycles with oil-free technology and a compact, space-saving design for optimal silence performance. These models offer 100% duty cycle, ranging from 1.5 to 15 kW power, and deliver airflow capacities from 152 to 1350 liters per minute (FAD at 5 bar). Equipped with both membrane dryer system for 20°C and adsorption system for 40°C, they ensure reliable, oil-free operation.

SCODEPRODUCTChairsc.f.m @5BarL/min @5BarHpkWBarPsidB(A)  
M-PR-OF200-040-M-HD50/15 Prime M - HD35.415221.51014569 MORE
M-PR-OF300-040-M-HD50/25 Prime M - HD47.922532.21014569 MORE
M-PR-OF400-090-MT-HD100/30 Tandem Prime M-HD915.82203+331014572 MORE
M-PR-OF600-090-MT-HD100/50 Tandem Prime M - HD915.84503+34.41014572 MORE
MGF CF HD Cat Image
HD Prime Models - Cabinet Silenced With Dryer

Introducing the MGF Prime HD Compressors, designed for heavy-duty cycles with oil-free technology and a compact, space-saving design for optimal silence performance. These models offer 100% duty cycle, ranging from 1.5 to 15 kW power, and deliver airflow capacities from 152 to 1350 liters per minute (FAD at 5 bar). Equipped with both membrane dryer system for 20°C and adsorption system for 40°C, they ensure reliable, oil-free operation.

SCODEPRODUCTChairsc.f.m @5BarL/min @5BarHpkWBarPsidB(A)  
M-PR-CS200-040-M-HDCS 30/15 Prime M - HD Cabinet Silenced With Dryer - HD35.415221.51014552 MORE
M-PR-CS300-040-M-HDCS50/25 Prime M - HD Cabinet Silenced With Dryer47.922532.21014558 MORE
M-PR-CS400-090-MT-HDCS100/30 Prime M - HD Tandem Cabinet Silenced With Dryer915.82203+32.2 + 2.21014572 MORE
M-PR-CS600-090-MT-HDCS100/50 Prime M - HD Tandem Cabinet Silenced With Dryer915.84503+32.2 + 2.21014561 MORE
HD PRIME with Dessicant Dryer 40 dew point
Power System Fini Nuair

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